So in re-organizing my bookshelves this morning, I happened upon an old notebook full of scribbles, some good and some very not so good. One intriguing post caught my eye though, mostly because the organization on the page looked more like something out of a madwoman’s book, but what do you expect from a twenty-something finding her way through life?
Without further ado, enjoy the random ramblings of an aspiring author long ago. Keep in mind, it wasn’t written in any particular order, more just a dash of inspiration here and there scribbled into a Moleskin notebook (the best kind of notebooks in this author’s humble opinion).
“Life finds a way. It scratches, it claws, it grows through the ashes of those that came before. Through the sullen fields from whence it came to start anew. To begin again in a world untethered from the ropes of fear and undaunted by failures of so many a generation. Each time learning, adapting to the hardships set by an unyielding torrent of time recording their every action, every thought, and constantly passing down judgment from the eyes of those who would follow in their formidable footsteps.
In our unending quest for the aesthetically pleasing, we squash the life that fights for its own. From the grandiose to the infinitesimal, we are each one defined by our deeds, our intentions, our hearts.
The chemical reactions and electrical firings in our heads, these determine our whole of understanding. But it’s what we do with that understanding that matters. We’re all just drops in a lake sending our ripples that will continue on long after we’re gone and the source of disruption is all but forgotten. But the effects remain.
Call it the butterfly effect, call it ripples, it’s the estimation of reality in which everything matters. Every action, every inaction, everything has an effect. What we do today, what we don’t do, shapes the coming world of our future.”